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Designed and built for work and to work hard, TradeLine combines a specialist extractor vacuum and big clean-up machine for use in the workshop or on the worksite. With a robust metal head, powerful 2200W power take-off, on-tool extraction, 2.9m hose and a huge 18L capacity, TradeLine is built for the tough stuff. Engineered with a HEPA H13 filter alongside a TriTex filter, HepaFlo Filter Bags and patented AirFlo technology, TradeLine is M-Class compliant, with an efficiency rating of 99.95%. In it for the long-haul, the machine's powerful, long-life 620W motor is proven to last many, many years, delivering powerful and professional results, time after time. Add to this; large rear wheels, a folding pull-handle, long cleaning-reach and optional storage caddy, and TradeLine is all-terrain ready. With more and more emphasis being put on health and safety within the construction industry, the demand for extraction vacuums increases year on year, this is where the TradeLine Range comes in.