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This set contains one of each: Paring Knife, All Purpose Knife, Carving Knife, 15cm Cooks Knife and Bread Knife plus a knife block. Thousands of professional chefs around the world have used nothing but Sabatier knives for decades. Experience the difference that Sabatier Trompette makes, an original Sabatier knife brand that guarantees exceptional quality at an affordable price. Sabatier Trompette is manufactured to the exacting quality standards required by the Association for the Protection of the Sabatier Brand. Although we would always recommend hand washing our Sabatier Trompette knives, they are also safe to put in the dishwasher. Just remember to remove and hand dry your knives at the end of the rinse cycle, rather than leaving them overnight in a damp environment. If hand washing, please don't leave your knives to soak.
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