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The Lynx 400 LDF Electric Countertop Fryer is a small, compact but highly efficient fryer with a single 4 litre capacity tank. Installation is simple, just plug it into a 13 amp socket and you are good to go. It has impressive 3kW power with a temperature range from 130℃ to 190℃ fully thermostatically controlled for consistently perfect results and to prevent overheating. It has a batter plate to allow open frying and the control head is removable to aid easy cleaning and maintenance and the body is stainless steel and the basket is nickel plated also for ease of cleaning. It has an impressive output capacity of 8kg chips - 12mm [frozen], 11kg chips - 12mm [chilled] per hour. Dimensions: Length: 41.7cm (16.4") - Width: 27cm (10.6") - Height: 31.5cm (12.4")