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Designed and developed for the nursing and residential care environment; the Casa Elite Care Home beds provide safety features for both residents and carers combined with an attractive appearance. This range of four section electrical profiling beds with adjustable head, foot and knee sections support effective resident care. The Casa Elite offers multiple profiling and positioning benefits which can reduce potential complications of immobility. The Casa Elite joins the community and care home bed range offering solutions for all key needs. It is available as a standard or a low model; both bed variants allow the bed to be raised/lowered to a height such that a carer's posture is closer to neutral for the moving and handling of patients. The bed is supplied with finger kits (not pre-assembled) and side rails can be purchased separately. Quick and easy, single personal installation, requiring only an Allen key (supplied and attached to the bed frame). The bed can be disassembled when not in use and stored on transport stands enabling safe and compact storage. Installation can be arranged at an additional cost and can be quoted upon request.
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