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The Multiwash™ PRO Battery is a battery powered, multi-purpose floor scrubber dryer that will wash, scrub and dry on both hard and soft floors in a single pass. Easy to use, manoeuvre and maintain, it provides exceptional cleaning results leaving floors ready to walk on in minutes. It has a 1-hour run-time, ideal for areas without power and minimises the risk of trips from trailing power cords. Easy to use on a range of different floor types including laminate, concrete, tile and carpet, this machine features simple controls, easy to remove brushes and a handle for smooth navigation. The Contra-rotating cylindrical brushes scrub and lift dirt, giving a more hygienic and deeper clean. Get maximum cleaning power with its high brush pressure that's adjustable for all your cleaning needs, making it ideal for commercial use in places such as supermarkets and food service areas. With a 2-hour charge time and a quick-change battery system, there will be minimum down time when charging.