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The Dryflow® Slimforce is an attractive and compact automatic hand dryer with a narrow 10cm trajectory, making it ADA compliant and ideal when space is limited. The product is recommended for locations that will receive a maximum of 100 uses a day, which would typically make them suitable for most schools or workplace environments but not regularly/heavily used public washrooms. A concentrated airflow delivers fast dry times, similar to those of other popular models on the market. Fully dried hands each and every time, it satisfies all expectations with no user leaving disappointed. This unit runs at just 1kW with the heating element activated, so it is much more energy efficient than traditional models which have a rated power from 2 to 2.5kW with much slower dry times. You can also switch the heater element off via an internal on / off swtich, allowing this to run at just 0.6kW rated power. A blue LED light shines on the hands during activation to guide the user to the airflow. A filter is included to clean the air taken into the dryer of particles. Its noise levels are similar to hand dryers on the market of the same price range. Unit dimensions: 256x174x100mm (HxWxD).