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Solopol® GFX™ GrittyFoam is a solvent free, super heavy duty hand wash in a cartridge, for use in DEB Stoko special GrittyFoam dispenser. The patented foam technology produces pleasant instant foam lather for quicker cleaning compared with traditional products. It contains natural cornmeal and olive pit scrubbing agents which are natural, non-abrasive and biodegradable and are uniquely suspended in the foam to give a deep clean without damaging the skin or harming the environment. The soap-free formulation, with skin friendly pH, is formulated for frequent use to be mild to the skin and help maintain the skin's natural acidic mantle. When used as directed in food production and preparation areas, the product does not influence the quality of foodstuffs or present any risk to the health of its consumers. It's silicone-free so suitable for use in any production sites where paint and surface coating processes are undertaken.
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